By participating in any activities with CircArts, you confirm you have read, you understand and you do and can legally agree to the below Release and Waiver of Liability.
You confirm that it is your responsibility to consult your doctor or medical professional before starting any new exercise program, diet or supplement regime, such as but not limited to Circus, Acrobatic and Aerial training provided by CircArts Pty Ltd and it’s employees and representatives, whether it is provided face to face or through an online platform.
You confirm that you are suitably fit and healthy to participate in an exercise program, diet or supplement regime, such as but not limited to Circus, Acrobatic and Aerial training, and that a doctor or medical professional has not advised you otherwise.
You confirm that you have brought to our attention any medical, physical, injury or other health issues that may determine the suitability of an exercise program, diet or supplement regime for you, such as but not limited to Circus, Acrobatic and Aerial training.
You confirm that in the event you become aware of any medical, physical, injury or other health issues that may affect the suitability of your exercise program, diet or supplement regime, such as but not limited to Circus, Acrobatic and Aerial training, you will inform us immediately.
You confirm that participation in an exercise program, diet or supplement regime, such as but not limited to Circus, Acrobatic and Aerial training, involves the risk of serious injury or even death, from various causes including overexertion, dehydration, equipment failure and accidents with equipment and surroundings.
You confirm that you accept all risks and any injury, loss or damage that may occur is solely your responsibility.
You hereby agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims you may have now or in the future against us.
You certify that you are at least 18 years of age or if you are under 18 years of age have provided us with the written permission of your parent or legal guardian.
This release and indemnity continues forever and binds your heirs, successors, executors, personal representatives and assigns.