By participating in any online activities with CircArts, you confirm you have read, you understand and you do and can legally agree to the below Online Class Policy
By agreeing to this policy, you confirm that you are above the age of 18 and can legally agree to this policy on behalf of yourself, your child or any other person who may participate in the online class with you.
By participating in an online class, you are doing so at your own risk and agree to adhere to the following;
1. A suitable, non-slip floor space is required and any potential obstructions in the vicinity must be removed before you or any other participant participate;
2. Avoid activities if you or any other participant have, or suspect you or any other participant may have any current health concerns, injuries, aches and pains. If you or any other participant have any current health concerns, injuries, aches and pains, you agree to seek medical advice and clearance prior to participating;
3. Avoid the use of blades, weapons or sharp instruments of any description;
4. Avoid physical contact with other participants and where appropriate, adhere to social distancing guidelines;
5. Sessions are conducted for the benefit of existing members/participants/contacts only who have demonstrated sufficient suitability to participate.
By participating in an online class, you agree that you and any other participant have sufficient suitability to participate;
6. You agree to only participate in activities in which you can do so safely;
7. You agree to complete a thorough warm up and stretch prior to participating in any online class;
8. You acknowledge and agree to CircArts recording classes and retaining the recording for record keeping purposes;